03 November 2020


In most cases you will be able to determine the names of the months in old German & Latin records, as most of the names will be familiar to English speakers, with some minor spelling variations.  You will also sometimes encounter specific abbreviations for the last four months of the year: '7ber' meaning September, '8ber' meaning October, '9ber' meaning November, and '10ber' meaning December.  Alternately, December is also sometimes abbreviated using the Roman Numeral as 'Xber.'  (I have never personally come across an instance of the first eight months of the year being abbreviated with similar numeric abbreviations, or of the use of a Roman Numeral in an abbreviation for any month other than December).

This list includes of many of the spelling variations & abbreviations for months that we have come across in our research:

Januar, Jannar, Janner, Jänner, Jaenner, Jeanner, Jäner, Jenner, January, Januarÿ, Januarius, Janearius, Jän, Jan
Februar, Febrüar, Februarius, Febrearius, Februarÿ, Feber, Febr, Feb
Marz, März, Martÿ, Martii, Martius, Martio, Märr, Maerz, Marcÿ
April, Aprillis, Apprilis, Apprillis, Aprill, Aprillis, Apr
May, Maÿ, Mai, Maj, Majus, Majo, Maius, Maji
Juni, Junii, Junius, Junio, Juny, Junÿ
Juli, Julii, Julius, Julio, July, Julÿ
August, Augusti, Augustus, Augusto, Augst, Augu, Agst, Aug
September, Septembris, Septembri, Septemb, Septmbr, Septber, Septbr, Septb, Sept, 7ber, 7bris, 7br
October, Oktober, Octobris, Octobri, Oktobr, Octob, Oktob, Octbr, 8ber, 8bris, 8br, 
November, Novembri, Novembr, Novemb, Novbr, Novb, Nove, Nov, Nvbr, Nbr, No, 9ber, 9bris, 9br
December, Dezember, Decembris, Decembri, Decemb, Dezemb, Decem, Dezbr, Decb, Dezb, Dec, Dez, 10ber, 10bris, Xber, Xbris, Xbr

Examples of each month written in the old script:

*Make sure to scroll all the way to the right of the chart to view all of the images.

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